a girl holding a tray of food

10 Days In Italy: Antico Pignolo

Here’s a recap of previous posts and a list of what’s upcoming for our recent trip to Italy. United Airlines To Rome St. Regis Rome Vatican Osteria 44 Photo Essay of Angels & Demons A Quiet Meal At Cul de Sac Trevi Fountain (Semi)…

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One of Air Asia 8501’s Black Boxes Recovered

The flight data recorder from downed Air Asia Flight 8501 has been recovered. It’s been just about two weeks since the flight crashed and the recovery teams have reportedly heard pings coming from at least one of the boxes.  The black boxes typically have…

Need A Free Upgrade On A United Flight?

One of my readers (and a great friend) jetsetr on Milepoint reached out to me yesterday and is being kind enough to offer up one of his GPUs (Global Premier Upgrades) on United for me to give away to a reader. That was a…