CONFIRMED: Hyatt Is NOT Adding A Category 8 For Existing Hotels
Breathe, people, breathe! Relax, it does not appear the sky is falling. Here’s why:
Breathe, people, breathe! Relax, it does not appear the sky is falling. Here’s why:
Tons of good stuff in this week’s podcast. Learn a quick tip on how to double a sign-up bonus on a popular credit card. Save miles and book cheaper flights to Hawaii and a travel writer doing good for children in need.
Lots of unanswered questions on the Hyatt changes announced yesterday. Wading in to figure it out isn’t for the faint of heart. We have some details now, and hope to have more soon.
Another airline is looking to thin out the elite ranks. American Airlines makes an announcement today that will reduce the number of elite members. Is more to come?
Time to get those hands busy booking some reservations using Hyatt’s points & cash rates. We’ve got multiple rumors that the price of Points & Cash are going up on November 1st.
This week’s episode of the NowBoarding podcast features Harlan Vaughn, author of the Out & Out blog on Boarding Area. Hope you enjoy the show!
Looking for good news as we head towards the holiday season? Best to look elsewhere than British Airways. Their present for you this holiday is greater fuel surcharges on award flights from the US to Europe. Isn’t that great?
Is it Tru? Did I enjoy my first experience at a Tru hotel? Or was I Tru Blue? Only one way to find out!
I love this moment by Delta. They used social media to interact with a celebrity, then turned it into an onboard moment that got them even more positive attention. Airlines don’t do this enough. Given, they get their teeth kicked in on a regular basis. Trying to personalize the relationship more with customers is difficult but rewarding.
I haven’t been doing as many hotel reviews lately as I probably should be doing. Given, I’ve ended up in a bunch of places folks probably don’t need a review of. Stillwater, Fort Wayne, Fresno and Peoria are all nice places. But, you’re unlikely…