Author: Edward Pizzarello

My goal in life is to fill my family’s passports with stamps, creating buckets of memories along the way. You’ll find me writing about realistic ways for normal people to travel the world, whether you’re on a budget or enjoy luxury. I also enjoy taking us on the occasional detour to explore the inner workings of the travel industry.

American Airlines Tries To Nab Delta’s Tokyo Slot

It’s an interesting tactic. American Airlines has filed a complaint with the DOT stating that they should be able to take Delta’s Haneda slot. The crux of their argument is that given Delta’s significant reduction in flights from Seattle to Tokyo’s Haneda airport over…

a black background with text and silhouettes of people

Pinking Up The Place

You might notice a new shade for the Pizza in Motion logo this morning.  I asked the folks at House of Miles to turn my logo pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I’ve also heard some rumors about a fun effort to raise funds…