Cheap Flights To San Diego And Vancouver, Free Starbucks And One Post You Absolutely Need To Read

Here’s what I’m reading about today in the world of travel:
Cheap Flights of the Day: I’m liking these sub-$300 fares to San Diego. Solid price if you think you might end up a few thousand miles short of status this year. I’m also digging $300 fares to Vancouver, one of my favorite cities. And, if you’re feeling really wild and crazy, how about Mozambique for $500?
In Case You Missed It: Easy 20 Euro discount on airberlin
Taking the train from Paris to Amsterdam, with just a bit of senility.
Stop and take time to read this post. It’s worth 5 minutes of your time. And my time.
The Daily D’oh! No, I doubt I’ll find something stupid to write about every day. But, I did today:
The CEO of American Airlines thinks airlines will never lose money again. Where to start? Doug should read about the difference between cyclical growth and secular growth. Don’t worry, secular growth has nothing to do with religion. It’s just a reference to companies that typically grow regardless of what the economy is doing, versus companies that need a strong economy to grow. Doug is saying that he believes even in the bad times, American and the rest of the airlines will generally make money.
In a down economy, people still buy things like milk and medicine, so companies who produce those goods can generally still be profitable. In a down economy, business travel might survive at sustainable levels (big might) but leisure travel is sure to take a hit. That means airlines need to either raise prices enough on business travelers to offset the loss of the leisure revenue, or they need to reduce costs. That’s easier said than done given union contracts, plane leases and the price of fuel.
But, hey, Doug has it all figured out.
Singapore Airlines is launching service to SFO earlier than expected. Seth does a good job summarizing the odd bit of competition here between Singapore and “frenemy” (?) United Airlines. In the interim, Singapore is an Ultimate Rewards partner for those who carry one of the Chase cards, so adding service here is a plus for them.
Starbucks is giving away $5 in free coffee to Outlook users. This isn’t as useful as “Tweet a Coffee”, something they killed a couple of years ago that I loved. But, as an Outlook user I’ll try this.
An interesting tool if you’re looking for suites in major cities like New York, London and Paris.
I’m really digging this to keep valuables safe for beach vacations. Not that I’m one of those people so attached to their smart phone that I can’t leave it in my hotel room.
Jeez. As if the horror in Orlando wasn’t enough….
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