Pizza Week In Review For June 14th, 2015

It was a bit of a slower week on the blog as I spent almost the entire week in China. Due in part to recent public accusations about China hacking (I’m guessing), the VPNs were getting assaulted and doing much of anything internet-related was a losing cause. I’m back on US soil and hope to get back on track this week. Oh, and I won’t be planning any trips back to Shenzhen anytime soon. Here’s what happened this week on the blog:
Southwest has long been not the cheapest airline around. But, are they part of the reason we’re seeing so many low fares right now?
This Pizza In Motion reader filed a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau when his US Bank credit card accounts got closed and his points voided. Did his complaint have a happy ending?
American Airlines announces new service to Sydney, Australia from their hub in LAX, while Qantas is restarting SFO-Sydney service!
Kate Moss and Flavor Flav in the aviation news, for very different reasons.
Apple Pay is getting into the loyalty rewards game, just not exactly as we thought they would.
Here’s what I’m using on my iPad. What are your favorite apps right now?
The post Pizza Week In Review For June 14th, 2015 was published first on Pizza In Motion.
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