
Help Some Tiny Wings Fly

Help Some Tiny Wings Fly

I’m getting ready to do something crazy again and I hope you’ll consider helping.  The two best ways you can help are by sharing this story with a friend and donating to our fundraiser.  Let me give you a bit of background. Give Kids…

a castle with people in front of it

Following Up On Our Crazy Disney World “Ride All The Rides” Challenge For Charity Day!

Wow!  What a crazy day.  A quick recap if you’re just tuning in.  My friend Summer (Mommy Points) and I decided to join forces to raise money for an incredible charity, Give Kids The World.  They help provide critically ill children a chance to create unbelievable memories with their families on vacation.  Summer and I are both family-oriented.  And, we both love Disney.  So, supporting a charity that supports both of these things was an easy decision for us.