a hand holding a phone with a wifi symbol on the screen

Monthly Airplane Wi-Fi Report Card: February 2019

This is my second month of tracking my Wi-Fi success on flights. So far, 2019 has been pretty poor, with United making up most of the failed connectivity. It’s insane that a decade after the expansion of in-flight internet connectivity can still be this bad.

a large airplane taking off

The Death Of The A380

I’m a bit sad to hear the A380 is going away, but we still have plenty of time with the big jet. The A380 was a complicated plane, a solution without a big enough problem. In the end, we discuss why it went away.

a man sitting at a table with a laptop

What Is Coworking?

This is a question I just couldn’t answer with authority a few years ago.  I’m still not an expert, but I’ve learned a lot about this growing space as I’ve traveled around the world.  The vast majority of what I learned came from Mike,…

So, You Want To Know More About Me….

If you’ve been following my blog for any length of time, you know I share stories about my family from time to time.  The vast majority of pictures you see on our blog and Instagram that don’t have donuts are of my kids, not me….