
a plane flying in the sky

Disney Hacks, The Future Of The A380 And Just Take The Trip!

The Best of the Rest is my effort to summarize all the travel/miles & points stories that interested me on a daily basis but didn’t have time to write about in length. Culled from over 100 blogs/authors I follow, some are passed along without comment, while I add my analysis to others. This is your shortcut to find out what’s going on in the travel world without having to read dozens of travel blogs to get all the best info.

a close up of a car

A Ride To Remember On Father’s Day

This might seem a little cheesy, but I really appreciated the video Uber just sent out for Father’s Day.  Uber’s been in the news for quite a few unpleasant things recently.  Whether this video is an effort to show a softer side of the…