Author: Edward Pizzarello

My goal in life is to fill my family’s passports with stamps, creating buckets of memories along the way. You’ll find me writing about realistic ways for normal people to travel the world, whether you’re on a budget or enjoy luxury. I also enjoy taking us on the occasional detour to explore the inner workings of the travel industry.

Heavy Sledding For American Airlines

Bankruptcy has been tough for all the legacy airlines to navigate.  American has had it’s fair share of troubles to this point, but I didn’t think things would get even worse so quickly.  Again, it’s the pilots. Scott McCartney of the Wall Street Journal,…

TSA Pre-Check Closer, Just Not Quite At IAD

Cruising through IAD on Tuesday, I took another peek to see if Pre-Check was open yet.  They had originally announced the security lanes upstairs would be re-opened in early September. They blew past that deadline and there didn’t seem to be a lot going…

Warm Brakes? A First For Me

Nothing major, mind you.  Just something I hadn’t come across in my many flights.  I had somewhat forgotten about it until a friend mentioned to me today he got diverted on a flight today. It was a couple weeks ago, a pretty hot day…

Now’s The Time To Head To Hawaii

A few times a year opportunities pop up that you generally don’t see.  Those of you with flexible travel schedules can reap some fantastic rewards if you keep your eyes open.  Now’s a great time to consider Hawaii. Mommy Points has a great post…