My Presentations On AAdvantage, Hyatt and Starwood From The Recent Frequent Traveler University

I got started in the miles and points game almost two decades ago. I thought I knew everything, sort of like your typical teenager. In the early years, I had a mileage earning credit card, no airline status, but I thought my gold card from Best Western made me the BMOC. Time brings perspective and a number of years later I started to realize how much I didn’t know.
I had to go way back into my box of junk I really need to throw out to find this card. If my memory serves me correctly, this card is at least 16 years old. Yes, I really need to clean out my office.
About 10 years ago I found FlyerTalk. It was like drinking from a fire hose. The sheer amount of information to absorb was immense. I was lucky back then, as I met a few folks who helped me navigate the sea of information to find the tidbits I was looking for.
This next part may read like a cheesy cable commercial or an infomercial, but it’s true. Since I got that help, I’ve earned many millions of miles and traveled to plenty of places I never thought possible. I’ll always be thankful for the help I received, and it’s why I enjoy helping others.
I spent years as a moderator on FlyerTalk, helped start Milepoint to assist travel newbies (just like me back then) a few years ago, and now enjoy speaking at Frequent Traveler University.
I really enjoyed speaking at the recent Frequent Traveler University. I was asked to give 3 presentations at FTU. I’ve included links to download the presentations below. I’m happy to answer questions on any of the presentations.
Getting Started With Miles and Points
**Full disclosure, this presentation is largely built by Mommy Points. I really enjoy presenting with Summer. We both have families, and this time I actually thought her daughter “Little C” was going to hang with us for the presentation. Alas, she got to go have fun elsewhere with friends.
Leveraging The American Airlines AAdvantage Program
Inside Hyatt Gold Passport and Starwood Preferred Guest
If you really want to feel old, next time you’re in New York, I can show you my TWA statements from the 1980’s.
Dan, is it sad that I would get a kick out of seeing the statements? I would absolutely take you up on that. I’ll bring the wine.