American Airlines

AA Announces A Change to Their Software Plans

AA and HP have agreed that HP will not be building a custom solution for AA’s new passenger services system.  Maya Liebman, whom I know and respect, said in part: “I think we have tended to create our own thing not necessarily because it’s…

International Baggage Fees Going Up, Again

United has now matched some increases Delta put in place recently for checked baggage fees. On most trans-Atlantic flights, passengers will pay $100 to check a second bag, up from $70.  The first bag is free as long as it’s not oversized or overweight….

AA Starts Letting Go Management and Support Staff

It’s all non-union people at this point, but AA has started to trim management and support staff. The bankruptcy judge still has yet to rule on whether AA can terminate it’s union contracts.  But, if AA believes they are bloated in the management ranks,…