a dog lying on the floor with a tablet and a cord attached to it

Winning Captions Get $5 In Starbucks Cash

Since I’m still typing one-handed it’s tougher to bang out longer posts.  To keep things fun, I figured I’d give away a $5 Starbucks gift card per my ongoing Tweet A Coffee adventure.  So, tweet your caption suggestions for the picture of our puppy…

a group of logos with a plus sign

Did You Win Free Starbucks From Me?

There were plenty of people who participated in my first Starbucks giveaway via “Tweet A Coffee”.  #pizzacoffee wasn’t quite popular enough to be trending on Twitter but we did have a few fun comments: I plan to continue handing out Starbucks on a weekly…


Random Thoughts On Friday

I’ve been very lucky to maintain a pile of miles and points that help our family travel the world for free in luxury.  The advent of revenue based programs at Delta and United make me a bit sad that it’s likely I won’t have…