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Cheap Flights To Asia And California, Restaurant Acting Badly And Lufthansa Joins Airbnb

The Best of the Rest is my effort to summarize all the travel/miles & points stories that interested me on a daily basis but didn’t have time to write about in length. Culled from over 100 blogs/authors I follow, some are passed along without comment, while I add my analysis to others. This is your shortcut to find out what’s going on in the travel world without having to read dozens of travel blogs to get all the best info.

a group of airplanes parked on a runway

JetBlue Expands Mint Service To Grenada

JetBlue continues to be opportunistic finding places to use their Mint-configured planes to add interesting routes. The latest one strengthens the network of places you can fly premium service on JetBlue from the New York area.

a slice of pizza on a plate

DC Area Frequent Traveler Meetup! August 24th, Crystal City #GEEKYPIZZA

I love answering e-mails from readers. LOVE it. I really enjoy helping folks with their travel because I usually learn along the way. But, I like to brainstorm, something that’s harder to do via e-mail. And, I’m Italian, so I talk with my hands (something else quite difficult to do while typing an e-mail). That’s why I enjoy picking up the phone or sitting down with someone to just have a good old-fashioned conversation. I hope you’ll join us!

a map of the world with circuit boards

A Great New Gadget Helps Forgetful Frequent Travelers (Like Me)!

I’m a big fan of multi-purpose gadgets. I carry a ton of stuff in my backpack, which adds up to a lot of weight. Multi-purpose gadgets help me cut down on weight in my backpack (like the small charger I’m testing right now that charges my laptop, iPad and iPhone at the same time).

Here’s another great gadget I’ve found that will save you time. Totally worth carrying.