Is The United States Going To Ban Electronics On Flights From Europe?
US authorities are considering a ban of larger electronics on all flights from Europe. It appears a final decision hasn’t been made yet, but could come soon.
US authorities are considering a ban of larger electronics on all flights from Europe. It appears a final decision hasn’t been made yet, but could come soon.
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The Best of the Rest is my effort to summarize all the travel/miles & points stories that interested me on a daily basis but didn’t have time to write about in length. Culled from over 100 blogs/authors I follow, some are passed along without comment, while I add my analysis to others. This is your shortcut to find out what’s going on in the travel world without having to read dozens of travel blogs to get all the best info.
Cheap flights for summer travel (and through the end of the year) from major cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Miami and more to a handful of European cities. A quick connection gets you anywhere else in Europe.
If you use Verizon Wireless TravelPass when traveling overseas, you won’t be happy with the latest changes. Verizon is now limiting the amount of data you can use per day, throttling speeds after that. Here’s what you need to know…
If you’re taller than me, you’re probably not going to like the latest changes the airlines are planning. Air travel is about to get a bit less comfortable for all of us. Given all the negative changes over the last few years, that almost doesn’t seem possible.
If you have a quick trigger finger, you can score a 20% discount on a Marriott gift card today.
Congressional leaders were clear in testimony earlier this week. The airlines need to work to improve customer service or congress will act. Nobody, including members of congress, wants congress to try to solve the current negative climate of customer service.
I got some right and some wrong. It’s really interesting to see who the frequent travelers voted the best.
Relaxing by a tropical pool in the Caribbean? Cruising the Adriatic Sea? There are a couple of really great travel auctions ending today. Snag a great travel deal.