
What’s On My iPad, January 28th 2013

As a frequent traveler I rely on my iPad as in-flight entertainment/work tool on pretty much every flight.  It’s great not to have to rely on the airlines to provide an imperfect technology solution.  Here’s a list of what’s new on my iPad: Evernote…

Brief Thoughs On The New iPhone

In case you haven’t heard, there’s a new iPhone out.  😀 I spoke with the small business manager at my local Verizon Wireless store last week and decided to take a drive over early Friday morning.  Well, not too early, probably about 8:30 in…

What’s On Your iPad?

I’m always curious what people have on their iPad.  I don’t spend a bunch of time hunting for new things, so I have a lot less stuff on my iPad than some people I meet.  Here’s a few things (some old, some new) hanging…

There’s a Blackberry Storm Brewing

I test drove the Storm myself yesterday, twice. First impression was awesome. I was ready to buy. I left the store and started reading reviews online. Those reviews caused me to head back to the store for a second look. What I found? For…

Blackberry Storm Update

Thanks to David for pointing out this thread: Interesting theory, although looks like a race to bankruptcy for AT&T and Verizon. I’m not sure I’ll switch to the Storm, as I hate typing on touchscreens, and love the raised keys on the BBerry.

Will the New BlackBerry Create a Storm?

Okay, a bit punny, but BlackBerry is about to release it’s first device to compete directly with the iPhone, the BlackBerry Storm. What does this mean for veteran BlackBerry users? Well, that depends on why you like your BlackBerry. The Storm features a touchscreen…

Someday, Apple will rule the world!

SUBTITLE: Apple ProCare is the nuts! So, my “D” key stopped working on my laptop this morning. This had potential disaster written all over it. I drove to the Apple store near my house, and used my ProCare card to get on the standby…