Author: Edward Pizzarello

My goal in life is to fill my family’s passports with stamps, creating buckets of memories along the way. You’ll find me writing about realistic ways for normal people to travel the world, whether you’re on a budget or enjoy luxury. I also enjoy taking us on the occasional detour to explore the inner workings of the travel industry.
a large building with many people walking in it

How Amazon HQ2 Will Affect DC-Area Airports

HQ2? 3? 1.75? Amazon announced 3 new campuses, one of which will be situated in Northern Virginia across from DCA airport. The DC area is served by 3 airports. Reagan National is the closest to Amazon’s campus and also the most crowded. BWI is the low-cost alternative while Dulles has a ton of business traffic. How will Amazon affect the airports in the nation’s capitol?

a white airplane in a hangar

$10 Free From Amazon With Amazon Cash

Free money is never a bad thing, right?  Right now, Amazon is offering you $10 free when you sign-up for Amazon Cash and deposit $40.  What’s Amazon Cash?  Well, if you’ve been living under the same rock I have, you’re in luck.  I just…

a city by a river at night

If You Had One Day In Porto, Portugal

Let’s get back to our “If you had one day in…” series where readers help each other with the best tips for a destination.  Recommend only the top things you would do if you had just one day.  We’re not looking for run-of-the-mill.  We’ve…

a train at a station

How To Get From New York City To Newark Airport Via Train

I was born and raised in New York, so I don’t think much about getting around. The subway is second nature to me, as are trains like Metro North and NJ Transit. I figured there’s plenty of people who may not know how to navigate public transportation. You can save a bunch of money taking the train to Newark Airport. Here’s how to get from Manhattan in New York City to Newark Airport via train, originating at Penn Station, buying a ticket and connecting to AirTrain.