Author: Edward Pizzarello

My goal in life is to fill my family’s passports with stamps, creating buckets of memories along the way. You’ll find me writing about realistic ways for normal people to travel the world, whether you’re on a budget or enjoy luxury. I also enjoy taking us on the occasional detour to explore the inner workings of the travel industry.
a plane wing above clouds

Miles And Points Are Just Like Dollars

The miles and points game isn’t for everyone. But, if you’re going to collect miles and points it behooves you to understand what they’re worth. Spending on a cash-back credit card has a clear return. It’s defined in the terms of the card agreement. But, miles and points, whether they’re earned from flying, staying in hotels or credit card spend have a variable value. Just like you’d ask how much cash back you get, you should ask how much you can get for miles and points you’re earning. Here are some examples.