12 Days Of Free Starbucks!
On the tails of my Sterling Silver Starbucks gift card giveaway, I wanted to make sure we had a few more winners given the popularity of that giveaway. And, since Starbucks seems pretty popular around these parts, I’ll be giving away free Starbucks for the holidays.
We’ll start with the 12 Days of Christmas, where I’ll give away one $5 Starbucks gift card each day between now and Christmas Eve.
And, once we get to Hannukah, I’ll double up and do 2 gift cards a day through December 24th.
I’ll be Tweeting the coffee gift cards to a random follower each day.
So, if you don’t already follow me on Twitter, you can do so right now by clicking here.
Don’t worry, if you’re already a Twitter follower, you’re automatically entered each day. To prove it, today’s winner is @gopackjo! Thanks for following the blog and being the first winner of the my 12 Days Of Free Starbucks!
11/12 @gopackjo
11/13 @jrpatrick
2 on 11/15 because I neglected to send one on 11/14:
The post 12 Days Of Free Starbucks! was published first on Pizza In Motion.
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So nice of you to give away Starbucks gift cards to readers. Thumbs up!
Thanks so much! Much appreciated!!!!