Hitting The Century Mark

On my way back from Denver last night, I hit 100,000 miles flown for the year.  Now, most of my frequent traveler friends will chuckle at that, having surpassed that number earlier in the year.  But, for most mere mortals, 100,000 miles seems like…

If At First You Don’t Succeed

One of the more annoying issues with travel is the frequency with which you’ll confront employees of airlines, hotels, etc. that have no idea how their own program works.  No doubt these are big companies with lots of moving parts, but they don’t really…

TSA Pre-Check Has A Date At Dulles

I just went through the former Dulles Diamond checkpoint downstairs at IAD. I miss the Clear line and the Dulles Diamond line. This security entrance became not-so-secret over the last year. But, things appear to be getting better. First, the closure. The former Dulles…

a group of people with luggage

Hyatt Regency Miami Redux

I had another stay recently at Hyatt Regency Miami.  I had a bit more time so got to explore more of the property.  This property is a bit on the older side but it’s well located.  Not as new as the Intercontinental around the…

At The Movies: Bourne Legacy

Don’t worry, I won’t be reviewing movies on a regular basis.  Heck, I only go to the movies twice a year anyway. I was/am a huge fan of the first 3 Bourne movies.  I was disappointed when I heard Matt Damon wouldn’t be in…