TSA Pre-Check Makes a Perfect Landing at Dulles

I crossed my fingers on the way to the airport this morning.  Today was the day Dulles airport had announced that TSA Pre-Check would launch. The airport had blown through the first deadline they established to have security open upstairs, so it wasn’t entirely…

Brief Thoughs On The New iPhone

In case you haven’t heard, there’s a new iPhone out.  😀 I spoke with the small business manager at my local Verizon Wireless store last week and decided to take a drive over early Friday morning.  Well, not too early, probably about 8:30 in…

I Just Used Passbook For The First Time

Okay, so it’s early.  But, I definitely like what I’m seeing.  I just checked in for my flight tomorrow on United using my iPhone 6 and successfully moved my boarding pass to Passbook. I wrote about Passbook recently and was pretty pumped about the…

SPG Moments Giveaway Winners

Congrats to those who threw their hat in the ring for some the SPG Moments swag I offered up last week: dmel: China iPhone cover Ketan Shah: US Open hat Carol Ramcharan: Scottsdale iPhone cover And…I was able to get my hands on one…

a large waterfall with a lot of water falling

Sheraton On The Falls, Niagara Review

When we originally planned our trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls, I was looking forward to crossing another destination off my list.  After all, I’d never been to Toronto despite it’s proximity to where I grew up (New York) and the short flight from…