The Winner Of The Free Gogo Pass Is….

Thanks to everyone who entered the Gogo free pass giveaway. chose the winner: That makes the winner Michael H.(oldfox) who left the comment “I would love the pass. I have never used Internet during a flight! Imagine that!”. I’m sure you (and Gogo) will be…

Hyatt Filling In Two More Areas On The Map

Don’t forget to enter my giveaway for a free Briggs & Riley TORQ suitcase! Hyatt is dropping two more pins on the map in places where they’re currently a bit under served. First up, construction is under way for a new Hyatt House in…

Free Gogo Pass!

Don’t forget to enter my giveaway for a free Briggs & Riley TORQ suitcase! I’m giving away a free Gogo pass today. Pretty straight forward. For those that don’t know about Gogo, they provide in-flight wi-fi on a number of airlines: Air Canada Airtran…