a cloud with birds flying in the sky

The Two Gogo Pass Winners Are….

Again, a special thanks to Charles at McCool Travel for giving these passes away to my readers. First, though there were a number of humorous responses, Klark takes the prize with this: A couple were having dinner last night at a restaurant. Their waitress,…

a close-up of a text

12 Days Of Free Starbucks!

On the tails of my Sterling Silver Starbucks gift card giveaway, I wanted to make sure we had a few more winners given the popularity of that giveaway.  And, since Starbucks seems pretty popular around these parts, I’ll be giving away free Starbucks for…

a plane flying in the sky

Is The Airbus A380 Going Away?

Airbus had an ambitious plan for the A380. It’s a monumental plane, a statement with one heck of a range. But, it appears Airbus drastically over-estimated the market for this 500+ passenger beast.