
Interesting Inaugural Moment

The cameras caught Bill and Hillary Clinton greeting the elder President Bush and Barbara. Bill hugged not only Barbara, but George Sr. as well, in a very warm fashion. Hillary shook hands from a distance, and patted George Sr. on the shoulder.

Why January 20th?

So, why does our President take office on January 20th? Well, it used to be March 4th. In the olden days, Presidential candidates needed this long to get their affairs in order. Also, when the date was first selected, there were no commercial flights,…

Obama Picks Lobbyist for #2 Spot at Defense

I’m a couple of days late on this story, but I wasn’t keeping track of the news closely while I was gone. Barack Obama selected a veteran of Raytheon to be Deputy Director of Defense. William Lynn is a very accomplished man. He served…

Bill Richardson Withdraws Nomination

Well, this definitely comes as a surprise: Bill Richardson withdraws his nomination as Commerce secretary. I’d be really surprised to hear he actually did something wrong. He has always struck me as a pretty honest politicians, as far as politicians go.

Governor of Illinois-One More Thing

I’m not trying to sling mud. But I’m sitting here watching coverage on Hardball about Blagojevich. Everyone is going out of their way to comment on the fact that Obama wouldn’t let him anywhere near him. They quietly kept him off the stage in…

Governor of Illinois Going To Jail

It’s been widely reported that the Governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich, is heading to jail. This had me laughing uncontrollably this morning. I was watching Hardball last night when it was discussed that he was demanding Bank of America to reinstate a line of…

David Gregory New Moderator of Meet The Press

A nod to David for sending me the official announcement. This has been rumored for some time, with Andrea Mitchell, Gwen Ifill and Chuck Todd listed as top contenders. I would have been fine with Andrea, maybe even Chuck, although I think he isn’t…

The Significance of 60

Saxby Chambliss defeated Jim Martin this evening in the Georgia Senate run-off. Read about it in the NY Times here. Chambliss, a Republican, assured that Democrats would not reach a 60 member filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. I think it’s interesting to note that…

Chris Matthews Running for Senate?

fivethirtyeight.com, which did an excellent job covering the 2008 Presidential campaign, is reporting Chris Matthews is gearing up for a Senate run. Read about it here. Not sure how I feel about this. Those who know me are aware of the fact that I…