Author: Edward Pizzarello

My goal in life is to fill my family’s passports with stamps, creating buckets of memories along the way. You’ll find me writing about realistic ways for normal people to travel the world, whether you’re on a budget or enjoy luxury. I also enjoy taking us on the occasional detour to explore the inner workings of the travel industry.
a man standing next to a large jet engine

Is The Boeing 737 MAX Safe To Fly?

With the recent crash of an Ethiopian Airlines 737 MAX and similarities to the Lion Air 737 MAX crash from late last year, is the Boeing 737 MAX safe to fly? It’s a worthwhile question, and one nobody really knows the answer to right now.

a hand holding a phone with a wifi symbol on the screen

Monthly Airplane Wi-Fi Report Card: February 2019

This is my second month of tracking my Wi-Fi success on flights. So far, 2019 has been pretty poor, with United making up most of the failed connectivity. It’s insane that a decade after the expansion of in-flight internet connectivity can still be this bad.

a large airplane taking off

The Death Of The A380

I’m a bit sad to hear the A380 is going away, but we still have plenty of time with the big jet. The A380 was a complicated plane, a solution without a big enough problem. In the end, we discuss why it went away.