Author: Edward Pizzarello

My goal in life is to fill my family’s passports with stamps, creating buckets of memories along the way. You’ll find me writing about realistic ways for normal people to travel the world, whether you’re on a budget or enjoy luxury. I also enjoy taking us on the occasional detour to explore the inner workings of the travel industry.
a man sitting on the floor with a violin

Amazon Prime Discounted For A Limited Time!

I use Amazon Prime so often I don’t even think about it anymore. 2-day free shipping is commonplace and the rollout of free Same-Day shipping has been truly awesome.

Through tomorrow Amazon is discounting prime membership to $73 for new members. Amazon Prime is almost never discounted, so I wouldn’t expect this opportunity again any time soon.


Starwood Introduces New Platinum Elite Benefits!

It’s been a few years now since Starwood introduces Suite Night Awards (to much fanfare, I might add). I was pumped when they announced it, but have been disappointed ever since.

SPG has gone back to the drawing board a couple times trying to tweak this benefit. They’re introducing new benefits again, and I think we’ll like these ones a lot more than previous choices. You might even choose one of the alternatives to Suite Night Awards!

a map of the united states with blue lines

My 2015 Year In Flight

This is always one of my favorite posts of the year. It’s not because I’m telling you about where I traveled. It’s because I get to remember all the fantastic places we were able to visit.
Most trips I take have remarkable elements, especially those that I take with my family. My wife has a much better memory than I do, though. So, this exercise at the end of the year is my reminder of those memories we made.

a large building with towers and a city in the background

Should I Go To Istanbul?

Unfortunately, conflict and violence are a part of our lives. Recent events in Paris are a stark reminder for those that may have forgotten.

The violence in Istanbul poses a very timely question for me. I’m curious to hear your thoughts.