Giveaway: United Club Passes

Short giveaway, since the passes expire June 30, 2017. Please enter only if you have travel between now and the end of the month where you can use them.
Special thanks to Aarash F for offering up two passes he won’t be able to use. I have two more on my desk as well. These are single use United Club passes, good for one person. Leave a comment below by Wednesday, June 7th at 11:59pm.
Good luck!
Pick me!
This would be nice for my upcoming trip (for 1 person) from ORD-LGA on Monday evening (6/12), that is if I can get it in time (unclear how it would sent).
I’d like one!
I’m heading to the Italian Alps on June 20th. These passes would be a lovely way to begin my journey…..from Newark, I might ad…..need I say more?
Thank you. Flying UA from SFO June 28.
Flying from EWR on June 22. I always arrive early. Use of the Club would be nice. Thank you.
I could use them in denver for fathers day weekend. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would love two!
We would love to have them! We are flying out of IAD to FLL for my 25th class reunion trip/cruise leaving on the 16th! Thank you for your consideration and for the giveaway
Flying UA later this month!
My husband and I have a layover for a couple of hours in Seattle 6/17. I was looking to buy some passes off of eBay. Our 27th Wedding Anniversary is this month and 2 passes would be such a wonderful gift if we were chosen. Thank you for the opportunity!
Flying UA all over the US this month from CVG-SFO-LAX-SFO-MSP-SFO-LAX I have 2 more legs but those are in July
Id like one too but im scared being a brown guy on united flight… hopefully i wont be the next to thrown out
Traveling to/from Houston this week, would be great for wife and I to enjoy a a Unitel Club on the trip. Thanks!!
I would absolutely love to take advantage of this opportunity.
I would love to be able to use the lounge.
Forget everyone else…PICK ME!
I have up coming flight with UA. Can’t wait to use it. Thanks.
Flying from CLE at the end of the month for Canada Day – would love a pass!
i hope i don’t double post…my last comment didn’t seem to load.
my mom and a friend who rarely travel are soon to travel. so i’d love to be a good son. i’d hook her up with them and they’d have a blast…and i’d tell them to send pizzainmotion a shoutout!!
i am traveling every week through the end of the summer – I could use these.
I’m your girl!! I have a friend I would love to see!
I would very much appreciate them. Flying international this weekend from ewr.
I’d love the passes, flying out in two weeks! Thanks for the chance.
Yes please!
Traveling to London for vacation with my wife and kids (8 & 10), leaving this Saturday (YYZ-JFK-LHR). My wife has been pretty nervous about our trip given the recent events in London/Manchester, so some extra relaxation on the way there might be a nice way to help calm those nerves. Thanks for the offer!
Could use them!