US Customs Computers Had An “Outage” Tonight. What Does That Mean?
How exactly do you screen passengers when your processing systems are down? That’s what the US Customs and Border Protection folks did for a couple of hours this evening.
How exactly do you screen passengers when your processing systems are down? That’s what the US Customs and Border Protection folks did for a couple of hours this evening.
Wrapping up those crazy 3 hours in Djibouti with a marriage, some bribes and finally the start of my journey home.
TSA PreCheck has been a lifesaver for me over the years. With very few exceptions, it provides me with a consistent, short security line and makes getting through security easier. That’s why it’s good news to see more airlines participating.
A new connecting hallway that opened at LAX airport will make things significantly easier for international connecting passengers. Take a quick walk with me to see how much easier it gets.
Airbnb has taken the travel industry by storm with more than a million total rooms under their control. But, there are safety factors to consider when you’re preparing to stay in one of their rooms.
An anal retentive vacation planner, one who schedules everything, goes off the deep end…..
The Department of Homeland Security and TSA have asked a number of foreign airports to prevent passengers from boarding flights with electronic devices they can’t power up. Thanks to reader Tommy V for passing this along. For now, this appears to just affect airpots…
I crossed my fingers on the way to the airport this morning. Today was the day Dulles airport had announced that TSA Pre-Check would launch. The airport had blown through the first deadline they established to have security open upstairs, so it wasn’t entirely…