
Brief Thoughs On The New iPhone

In case you haven’t heard, there’s a new iPhone out.  😀 I spoke with the small business manager at my local Verizon Wireless store last week and decided to take a drive over early Friday morning.  Well, not too early, probably about 8:30 in…

I Just Used Passbook For The First Time

Okay, so it’s early.  But, I definitely like what I’m seeing.  I just checked in for my flight tomorrow on United using my iPhone 6 and successfully moved my boarding pass to Passbook. I wrote about Passbook recently and was pretty pumped about the…

SPG Moments Giveaway Winners

Congrats to those who threw their hat in the ring for some the SPG Moments swag I offered up last week: dmel: China iPhone cover Ketan Shah: US Open hat Carol Ramcharan: Scottsdale iPhone cover And…I was able to get my hands on one…

What I Learned From Steve Jobs

I remember thinking when Steve Jobs passed away that I would write something meaningful on my blog about his life and premature passing.  Time got away from me, but I knew I wanted to read the biography/autobiography Walter Isaacson penned with a ton of…

What’s On Your iPad?

I’m always curious what people have on their iPad.  I don’t spend a bunch of time hunting for new things, so I have a lot less stuff on my iPad than some people I meet.  Here’s a few things (some old, some new) hanging…