A Vacation Without Points or Miles

Each year for the past 5 or 6 years, our family has taken a trip that doesn’t involve miles or points.  It’s generally the only trip each year I take that doesn’t, and it’s not the type of trip that I would normally enjoy….

Amazon Can Now Help You Get To New Zealand

If you’re a mile junkie and have a wife/significant other like mine, you’re probably earning lots of Hawaiian miles from their purchases. Hawaiian continues to improve as a travel option, especially with their recent announcement of service to New Zealand. I haven’t been to…

Bonus Miles for Fall AA Travel

Thanks to View From the Wing on this one. AA is offering bonus miles for roundtrips during the fall travel season.  It doesn’t kick in until September and runs through November.  Unfortunately for me, you have to book all your travel by the middle…

a living room with a table and chairs

Review: Hyatt Regency Austin

Despite the announced drought conditions in Austin, it was raining so hard when I pulled up to the hotel so no outdoor shots.  The hotel does have valet service which came in especially useful for this stay. This was a one-night stay so it…

A Few Airline Updates

USAirways announces it’s now a creditor of American Airlines’ parent AMR. Talk about a tale of two articles.  The first one makes it sound like US Airways might change it’s “support” of AMR in the bankruptcy process if it doesn’t consider a merger.  The second…