Breaking Down Recent Citi Card And AMEX Negative Changes

All is not well in the world of credit cards right now. The sky isn’t quite falling. There are still plenty of credit cards that earn miles and points you want to earn for that next great vacation.
However, some of the benefits that we’ve all enjoyed to help offset annual fees are going away. Citi eliminated a whole slew of benefits that were pretty valuable if you used them. Benefits going away include:
- Car rental insurance
- Price protection (usually called Price Rewind)
- 90 day return protection on purchased items
- Trip delay and accident insurance
American Express eliminated restaurant access from their Priority Pass relationship, which was a valuable benefit for those who took advantage of it. What to make of these changes? Gary Leff of View From The Wing stops by to talk about these changes and what you can do if these affect you. It’s a must listen if you carry these cards in your wallet.
How Can Citi Eliminate Nearly All Travel and Purchase Benefits From All Their Cards?
Here are the Best Credit Card Offers for Travel
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