Free Points TODAY ONLY! Easy 1,000 Points From Marriott Rewards

If it’s Sunday…’s Meet the Press. And, it’s also 1,000 free points from Marriott Rewards.Marriott Rewards is giving away 1,000 points in their NFL-themed promotion again this weekend.
It’s pretty easy to earn the points. You need to make sure you’ve linked your Marriott Rewards account with your Twitter. Then, you need to reply to Marriott’s tweet with the correct answer before 8pm EST tonight:
The answer is 15 yard line and you need to include the hashtag #rewardspoints.
Marriott has only taken one week off this season, offering free points every football weekend. I’m sure hoping they continue this all football season. They recently raised the cap on the number of free points you can earn through promotions like this each year. For folks who aren’t frequent travelers, you need to be sure to take advantage of these small chunks of points when they come along. Heck, even I can’t turn down 1,000 points just for sending a Tweet!
Some folks were noting on my Twitter feed in previous weeks that it took them a few hours to get a response from Marriott. There may have been some folks who didn’t get a reply at all, but not sure. It seems like they process replies in batches, so be patient if you don’t get an immediate reply!
If you’re not sure where to link your accounts, this link will help. You can get points for linking Instagram and Facebook as well.