Hmmm. Hyatt Will NOT Give You Points For Expired Free Nights?

It seems like there’s some mixed signals coming out of Hyatt as it relates to new free night certificates being awarded to elite members. There were early signs that Hyatt was going to be lenient on the short expiration of those free nights. Now, it seems that might not be the case.
Hyatt is in the early stages of their new program, World of Hyatt. It’s generally better for really frequent travelers and not as good for folks who only stay a dozen or less nights a year. One of the primary new benefits were free nights when you hit certain milestones each year. The downside is the 120 night expiration date. That means the nights need to be booked and consumed (stay completed) within that 120 days).
I had reached out to Hyatt for confirmation of what I had heard from more than one reservations agent. I really didn’t expect to hear too different of an answer. Except, I now have confirmation from folks at Hyatt corporate that this is not an official policy.
So, What Next?
It’s disappointing to hear that there’s no official policy to compensate elite members with some points when a free night award expires. I really don’t think the reservations folks who noted this are lying. My guess is that the management of that division have some World of Hyatt points to award to customers at their discretion. That makes me think this will continue as an unofficial policy. That also means there’s likely to be a healthy dose of “Your Mileage May Vary”.
I’m never a big fan of YMMV. There will likely be some customer confusion and/or angst from lack of a clear policy. But, something is better than nothing.
The post Hmmm. Hyatt Will NOT Give You Points For Expired Free Nights? was published first on Pizza in Motion
I’d say they were being lenient until a flood of people suddenly started hearing about it and wanting it. No good deed goes unpunished, It turned from a some getting a break to a lot trying to make it part of a plan.
Carl, seems that way now.
Well, there goes that “hurrah!” I had for Hyatt. I guess providing something like consolation points was just too darned generous to us. Again.
I hope you didn’t inform them this was being done. If so they’ll put out a directive to not use discretionary points for expired calls.
Tom, they read my blog. So, I think the cat is out of that particular bag.
But even today (9/1/18) when I called, they (reservations in Asia) said I had to contact WOH for “extending” regarding the almost expired certificate. In a previous call about a month ago, I got the same thing that it needs to expire first – I assume its to give points.
DS, all the feedback I’ve gotten is that you need to wait for the certificate to expire.