The BEST Deal I’ve Ever Seen On Inflight Internet! Unlimited Usage For 1 Month For $6

Inflight internet is both essential and annoyingly expensive to me. An unlimited pass on American Airlines will set you back a bit less than $50 a month. On United, you’ll pay anywhere from a few dollars for 30 minutes of usage to $15 for an entire domestic flight. That adds up quickly.
View From The Wings is reporting on the greatest inflight internet deal I’ve ever seen. By far.
US Mobile will sell you unlimited inflight internet for $6 a month on a pretty comprehensive list of airlines:
You’ll use code RCUSMWIFI to drop the price from $10 a month to $6. Unbelievable.
This covers all of Delta, American and Alaska Airlines/Virgin America with a small bit of United Airlines. For folks flying Delta, America or Alaska, that’s a huge savings over the normal annual pass. I’d venture a guess to say it’s cheaper than pretty much every 1-flight session out there.
The Final Two Pennies
If you fly at least once a month on Delta, American or Alaska/Virgin, this option is for you. Inflight internet has changed my work habits immensely. I never have to get off a plane and “catch-up” on hundreds of e-mails. Well, except those way too frequent times where the inflight internet on my United flight is kaputz.
I’m flying mostly United this year, so I’m not 100% sure I’d get the value out of this. I think it’s pretty close, though. All I need is one international flight a month or the occasional flight on Delta or American. I’m hoping this deal is here to stay.
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