Some Of My Favorite Amazon Technology All On Sale Again For Cyber Monday!

Amazon has the same prices for Cyber Monday that they featured on Black Friday for a bunch of gadgets that I recommend. Amazon has been in the gadget business for quite a few years now. They make tablets (they sold a phone for a bit, which failed) and a bunch of other connected gadgets that you might find helpful. Here are a few I recommend:
The Echo is a connected home device that you can use to play music, track reminders, timers, order things from Amazon and a bunch more. I reviewed it shortly after it was released. Since then, they’ve continued to add features and I think the device is really starting to come into its own.
Interestingly, this price is $10 higher than it was on Amazon Prime Day a few months ago. I guess Amazon doesn’t think it needs to offer the absolute lowest price on Black Friday/Cyber Monday. At any rate, it’s normally $179, so this is one of the best discounts I’ve seen.
Amazon Fire Tablet For $33.33:
This is the lowest price I’ve seen for a solid tablet. I reviewed this and gave one away to a reader. I really don’t think you can go wrong for the price. A $33 tablet????
Amazon Tap Is $89 (Lowest Price I’ve Seen):
This is $10 cheaper than I’ve ever seen Amazon Tap, even on Amazon Prime Day. This is a portable bluetooth speaker that carries the same Alexa “connected” abilities as the Echo.
That’s a solid price for a good quality bluetooth speaker, even if you don’t find value in the Alexa features.
The Amazon Dot is a mini Echo that you can more easily place around the house (and for a lot cheaper). It works with any bluetooth or wired input to an existing speaker system. It’s a really great way to introduce the features of the Echo for a lot less money using your existing speakers.
This is Amazon’s answer to Apple TV and Google Play. $74.99 is a decent discount off of Amazon’s normal price and a lot cheaper than the Apple TV. I happen to prefer Apple TV, but I don’t think you can go wrong value-shopping on the Amazon Fire.
Some Great Amazon Gadgets For Solid Prices
I’ll be keeping my eye on lots of other gadgets today, so stay tuned.
I don’t generally include a lot of referral links in my posts, and only then for products I actually use. The Amazon links I share here are referral links for me and earn me a small bit of coin if you buy something from one of these links. It’s the same price for you, and I appreciate the support of my blog.
The post Amazon Echo, Tap, Dot, Fire Products All On Sale Again For Cyber Monday! was published first on Pizza in Motion