
$29 Fares From Frontier Are Back

a poster of a beach with a hat and sunglasses

Frontier is bringing back sale fares as low as $29 for summer travel.  They’re trying to fill the softer days, so these $29 fares from Frontier are only valid for Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday departures, making it a bit weaker of a sale than their last summer sale a few weeks ago.

You can see the full list here, and I’ve included some sample fares below:

Atlanta-Orlando $49

Atlanta-Washington Dulles $69

Atlanta-Philly $39

Cincinnati-Washington Dulles $39

Cincinnati-Atlanta $29

Cincinnati-Ft. Lauderdale $29

Cincinnati-Las Vegas $89

Cincinnati-Ft. Myers $49

Denver-Las Vegas $39

Philadelphia-Orlando $59

Philadelphia-Miami $79

Philadelphia-Tampa $69

Trenton-Tampa $59

Trenton-Orlando $59

Washington Dulles-Orlando $69

Washington Dulles-Las Vegas $89

Washington Dulles-Miami $49

The post $29 Fares From Frontier Are Back was published first on Pizza In Motion.

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