A Good Post About Life On The Road

As I’ve started to blog more frequently, I’ve started to come across other people in the blogosphere that are doing some pretty cool things.  And, while I wouldn’t buy an RV if I gave up my day job, I applaud this couple for doing just that, dropping pretty much all their attachments and heading out on the road.

I was reminded of two things reading this post.  Even though it’s over a year old, it emphasizes some aspects of life that are easy to overlook.

1.  Less is more.  I’ve always been guilty of wanting better toys, especially now that I have kids.  It feels great to spoil them just like I wanted to be when I was a kid.  I mean, who wouldn’t want to get everything they desired?  But, as I push this big rock up the hill to 40, I’ve found out what many others have.  Toys aren’t everything, and an extra moment with my family is worth more than anything I can buy from Amazon.

2.  How easy it is to not follow your dreams.  While I don’t think I realize every opportunity I can, this is an area of my life I feel like I’m “winning”.  Seeing the world has been a dream from a young age and I’m continuing a relentless march to see everything I can.  Going back to some places I’ve been before to see them through the eyes of my children has been pretty awesome, and as my children get older I can’t wait to show them things they’ll never forget.

Will I end up missing out on some of my dreams when I hit the finish line?  I find it hard to believe that anyone actually achieves every dream they have.  I mean, how many kids dream of hitting a home run to win the World Series?  And, 99% of all MLB all-stars never do that.  

So, life can be about coming up short.

But, it has to be about reaching for your goals and dreams.

Just my two cents.  If you’re sitting at your desk or in a cubicle reading this, go hit Google or Travelocity and find a cool place to go this summer.  Drop me a note with a picture when you get back.


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