Financial Fallout

This has definitely been a scary few weeks. I have a friend who had to declare bankruptcy and shut down his restaurant. I have friends and family that have lost thousands of dollars a day over the past few weeks. And a month later,…

2nd Presidential Debate

Obama and McCain faced off in the second debate last night. It was a town hall format, which I definitely think favored McCain. There’s no question Obama is a better orator than McCain. Equally so, McCain is better at talking to an individual, connecting,…

Giants Destroy Seattle

From the opening bell, this was a slaughter. Seattle kept us out of the end zone once in the first half. The best part of this was Hixon stepping up during Plaxico’s absence. Amani Toomer will always be a consistent producer for us, but…

On Miles and Points

For those of you that don’t know (I can’t figure out who that might be), I’m a bit of a frequent flyer mile geek. Over the past 5 years, I’ve amassed well over 2 million points/miles, and they’ve bought such things as: 2 upgrades…

Vice-Presidential Debate

I watched the Vice-Presidential debate with my wife and best friend last evening. My view is a bit different than David’s. First, I was specifically annoyed that, for the most part, Sarah Palin chose to answer a different set of questions than the moderator…


Bailout Package Passes in Senate

The Senate approved a modified version of the bailout package that failed to pass the House of Representatives. While I’m generally happy that this has cleared one of the hurdles to inception, I’m a bit disappointed in the Senate (mostly Senate Republicans) who attached…


Sleeping in Seattle

Stefan is my friend of 10 years. Scary to say it’s been that long. Stefan has been a Seattle Seahawks fan for the entire time I’ve known him (according to him, a lot longer than that). We planned a trip to Seattle to catch…

New York Giants

I normally spend the bye week evaluating how my team is doing at the midpoint of the season. Unfortunately, we were hampered with a bye in week 4, so there’s not much season to define yet. We’ve played three games: 1. vs. Washington: We…

1st Presidential Debate

So, my best friend chose to write about the presidential debate as well. I’ve decided to go ahead and voice my opinions without reading his, then will probably choose to write about why I disagree with him tomorrow. 😉 Halfway through the debate, he…

Daily Musings

A post of links: Today’s sign some government employees have too much time on their hands: I’d also like to draw attention to two blogs written by people I know and respect. First, my best friends blog: Then, a blog on frequent…