Flying With Family

Over the last few years I’ve been flying over 100,000 miles a year.  The vast majority of it is for work, but we’ve managed to squeeze in the occasional family trip. Our daughter (5 years old now) has always been a terrific flier.  In…

NEXUS/Global Entry-Now A Member

What is NEXUS/Global Entry you ask? NEXUS is a program that aids people in crossing the US/Canada border, whether by boat, plane or car. Global Entry is a way to expedite your return to the US through 20 gateways via plane.  Kind of an…

TSA Gets It Right (Sort Of)

Sub-titled “I Fought The Law, And It Was a Draw” We had a family trip to attend a wedding this weekend, so Michelle and I took the kids for our first real 4-person family trip on planes.  When we arrived at IAD, we entered…

Helping People

As some of you know, I am the co-founder of the website  As part of my involvement with the site, I’ve spent some time organizing charter flights to various locales where frequent travelers get together and experience once-in-a-lifetime experiences. As part of those…

Giving The Blog Another Try

It’s been a bit over a year, and I think I’m ready to give the blog another try.  I feel like there are enough interesting things I can write about to keep things lively.  It won’t all be on one subject, so as always,…

Why The Yankees Will Beat Texas

There are a number of reasons, but I’ll touch on just a few of the big ones: Everyone worried about the Yankees in August and September.  They lamented the fact that the Yankees had gotten old.  The talk was about problems with pitching, problems…

In Loving Memory of Toni Marie Opalinski

A memory.  We all have them, some great, some tragic.  We reserve our fondest memories for our loved ones. When my grandparents passed away, the role of matriarch in our extended family passed from my grandmother to my aunt Toni. My father’s sister, she…

Yankees Backing Into Playoffs

Despite losing 6 of their last 10 games, the Yankees still hold a half game lead in the AL East.  With 13 games left, there are essentially 6 teams fighting for 4 spots.  Boston and Chicago are on the outside, looking in.  They essentially…