
1st Quarter Status Check

Airline and hotel elite status is always a game of “what have you done for me lately”.  An airline might be thrilled that you flew 150,000 miles last year with them.  But, with just a few minor exceptions, they’re not going to give you…

When Do We Get The Dreamliner Back?

Don’t forget to enter my giveaways for a Bubble Bum and 5,000 Ultimate Rewards points. Thanks to my good friend Kevin for sending along this video to remind me I’m really ready for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner to start flying again.  This is footage…

a person on a water slide

Great Wolf Lodge: Family Fun Overload!

Once you have kids, travel takes on a whole new dimension.  While I always look for trips that balance things that Mickie and I enjoy along with kid’s activities, there are a handful of trips we’ve taken where it’s all about the kids. We’ve…