Talking About Paine (Field, That Is)

It’s not very often a brand new airport opens up. In fact, this was the one and only time I’ve ever had the chance to take an inaugural flight out of a brand new airport terminal. Paine Field, located north of Seattle, has been around for pretty much 100 years. It has served Boeing well as a delivery airport for many of their wide body planes. But, passenger service has been elusive for decades.
The brand new terminal is unbelievable. It’s stunning to look at, with plenty of passenger comforts you won’t see in other airports. It’s also the subject of last week’s bonus episode of Miles to Go, which was a cross-over to the Dots, Lines and Destinations podcast. Hear Seth, Ben and I talk about what we liked (and loved) about the new airport. Drop me a line and let me know your thoughts on the episode. If you guys like the format we’ll do more bonus, impromptu episodes.
Hope you enjoy the show!
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As a listener to both of your podcasts, I’d love to hear more jointly-produced content, especially if they’re bonus episodes which means more fun for us listeners. The Paine Field episode was both informative and entertaining.
The local residents who opposed the airport may have done themselves a disservice by opposition. With only two gates and limited flights, AS and UA jumped in and took all of them. If there were no limits, maybe Allegiant would fly once or twice a day to LAS and they’d use the old terminal, which is a hut.