Easy Free 1,000 Marriott Rewards Points. But, You Need To Act Fast!

Marriott Rewards is giving away 1,000 points in their NFL-themed promotion again this weekend.
It’s pretty easy to earn the points. You need to make sure you’ve linked your Marriott Rewards account with your Twitter. Then, you need to reply to Marriott’s tweet with the correct answer before 8pm EDT tonight:
The answer is 1920, and you need to include the hashtag #rewardspoints.
I’m sure hoping they continue this all football season. They recently raised the cap on the number of free points you can earn through promotions like this each year. For folks who aren’t frequent travelers, you need to be sure to take advantage of these small chunks of points when they come along. Heck, even I can’t turn down 1,000 points just for sending a Tweet!
If you’re not sure where to link your accounts, this link will help (thanks to View From the Wing for reminding me where that was). You can get points for linking Instagram and Facebook as well.
I have connected the twitter account at mrpoints.chirpify.com (it says “account connected”). I did this last time too.
At twitter.com/hashtag/RewardsPoints?src=hash, I clicked ‘reply’ (the first symbol on the left) after logging in and in the box entered “1920 #RewardsPoints” without the quotes.
I am following Marriott Rewards on Twitter too.
No points were ever given to connect my account and for two weeks now, no 1000 Marriott points were given in my attempts to complete this.
Here’s the $64000 question: How isTwitter, or whatever ‘chirpify’ is, supposed to know my Marriott Rewards number? By osmosis? I could find no place ever to enter it.
Is there something at marriott.com I am supposed to do? Something at Twitter? I looked everywhere for a field in which to enter my Marriott Rewards number — found none.
Thanks for posting this opportunity. I’d like to try to take advantage of these but I’m missing something. Needless to say, I don’t use ‘social media’ much (actually at all). Can someone help?
I answered at least 10 times after connecting my account with Marriott Rewards, all before 8:00 p.m. ET. I kept applying like many other people who were reporting no confirmation of their tweets. I just got a reply that I didn’t apply in time. Utter nonsense.
I got my points rewards confirmation in about 45 seconds. I posted very early in the day.
Free points are awesome! I set a calendar reminder for Sundays so that I remember to Tweet to Marriott to earn these points.