What Was Your Targeted SPG Promotion? Here’s Mine

Plenty of folks are getting bonus offers from Starwood Preferred Guest. I checked my account and got the following:
Here’s a link to check whether you were targeted for an offer. I definitely think it’s worth checking even if you didn’t get an e-mail.
7,500 bonus points is decent, and sorta right down the middle of other offers I’ve seen.
Summer got one of the best offers I’ve seen, double stays and double nights for elite qualification. I would have loved this offer to help me get to 100 nights this year. I’m guessing since I already have 50 that they didn’t bother giving me a status boost. Miles Talk got the same offer as Summer.
Hyatt is already in on the fast-track path to status, in case you hadn’t seen the announcement.
Lucky got a slightly better offer than mine, 7,500 bonus points after two stays.
Gary got the same offer as me. I wonder how many elite nights he has with SPG so far this year.
What Offer Did You Get?
Please respond with what offer you got, current status level and how many stays/nights you have this year. I’m really curious to see what other folks got.
Oh, and if you like long paragraphs, here are the T&C:
Eligible members must register between August 15, 2017, and November 15, 2017, 11:59 p.m. ET (the “Registration Period”). Member can earn 2,000 bonus Starpoints® after the second (2nd) eligible paid stay, 2,500 bonus Starpoints after the third (3rd) eligible paid stay and 3,000 bonus Starpoints after the fourth (4th) eligible paid stay. As part of this Promotion, member may earn a maximum of 7,500 total bonus Starpoints for four eligible stays from September 15, 2017, through December 15, 2017 (the “Promotion Period”). This Promotion is not transferable. Bookings made prior to the Promotion Period are eligible, but only eligible stays consumed during the Promotion Period will earn a bonus.
A “stay” is a stay of one or more consecutive nights at the same SPG® Participating Hotel by an SPG Member who (A) provides his/her SPG Member number at the time of reservation or at check-in; (B) pays an eligible rate; and (C) stays in one of the reserved guest rooms. If an SPG Member checks out of a guest room and then checks back in to a guest room at the same SPG Participating Hotel on the same day, it will count as a single stay for purposes of calculating stays.
An “eligible stay” is a stay with at least one (1) eligible paid night at any of the over 1,300 hotels and resorts in the SPG program, paying an eligible paid rate during the Promotion period. An “eligible rate” is any rate that is eligible to earn Starpoints in the Starwood Preferred Guest® program. Free Night Award stays and Cash & Points stays are not eligible toward this Promotion. Hotels and resorts in the SPG program can be found at spg.com/terms under section 1.2. A description of eligible stays and eligible rates can be found at spg.com/terms under section 2.1. An SPG Member may only earn Starpoints, Eligible Nights and Eligible Stays for up to three guest rooms during any eligible stay if he/she stays in one of the reserved guest rooms and pays an Eligible Rate for all of the guest rooms. Please note that certain prepaid rooms where the booking is made through a third party (including but not limited to travelocity.com, expedia.com and booking.com) are not eligible rates and do not earn Starpoints or qualify toward promotional earnings.
Bonus Starpoints will be credited to the member’s account within 2–4 weeks of the stay posting to the member’s Starwood Preferred Guest account following each second eligible stay.
This Promotion is nontransferable and void for Marriott International, Inc., employees. This Promotion may be combined with other Starpoints or Free Night Award promotions in market during the same time; however, earnings are exclusive of each other.
All promotions are subject to the Starwood Preferred Guest® program terms and conditions, which are subject to change without notice and can be found at spg.com. Offer is applicable to individual members only and not to groups. Not responsible for omissions or typographical errors. Starwood reserves the right to discontinue this offer at any time. To update your communication preferences or learn about our privacy practices, view our Privacy Statement on spg.com/privacy, or access our privacy information line by calling 1-877-782-0071 in the U.S. and Canada or +353-21-4930474 in all other countries. Void where prohibited by law.
No offer. 🙁
Double stays. I’m a platinum with 21 stays + 1 scheduled. I never go past 25, so not really worthwhile for me.
Paul, double stays but not double nights? Bummer. At least if you had gotten double nights you could have tried for 50, though the suite night awards are pretty uninspiring.
7,500 after three stays. 100 night platinum, currently have 60 nights this year.
Jacob, that doesn’t surprise me. You’re in the same boat as me.
I never get targeted.
Kabukijuul, what do you have for status and nights so far this year?
I am 75 night Platinum status and currently have 46 nights this year. Received no offer.
No offer for me or the mrs.
Data point > I haven’t had a paid stay in a while. I did stay at the 4 Points MCI last week on an award stay. FYI, this is one of the nicest 4 Points I’ve stayed at.
dhammer, do you have status with them now?
Nada for me. 0 stays this year so far.
Big fat nothing as usual!!! Overrated, overpriced, and crappy program!
Gold, currently 20 stays and 38 nights.
John, maybe they think you’re close enough to Platinum.
Zip for me, Gold
No eligible for anything. Guess they don;t feel they need to be nice to Lifetime members.
Steve, do you have status with SPG now?
No offer.
Zip for Gold
I got 7500 points (2500 for first stay, 5000 for second stay)
Cedrik, that’s not bad. Will you hit it? What status level are you?
I’m a gold member. I have both the spg personal and business card (not sure if that matters, but it would be interesting to know if there is a correlation between being a card holder and receiving the offer). Gold status currently with 12 stays and 24 nights. A little over 68,000 points currently plus some with Marriott (and a linked account).
Forgot to add the most important part, I get 2x night and stays from Sept. 15th through December 15th. I didn’t receive any extra point offer though. Perhaps they feel I have enough points already.
Jamie, it looks like people are getting one or the other. That’s a pretty good offer for you getting to Platinum.
Platinum with 16 stays and 41 nights this year. Got the promotion for 7500 points (2500 for second stay, 2500 for third stay, 3000 for fourth stay).
Joy, seems to be a common theme those of us close to qualification for PLT are not getting the double stay/night offers. Most of us are getting some derivative of what you’re getting.
Got nothing!! Zero nights with SPG but have Gold status through Marriott / UA.