Win Free Coffee And Stars In The Starbucks Summer Game

Starbucks is back with another summer game that allows you to win free coffee, drinks and stars. Starbucks offered a similar promotion last year that yielded a few decent prizes for me, so I’m playing again this year.
I’m often surprised at how popular Starbucks posts are when I write about them. Starbucks is a popular company, for sure. But, a lot of you folks like it when I report on special Starbucks offers.
I’m not sure when the game started, but I saw a sign for it in Starbucks yesterday when I was refreshing my caffeine reserves. They have a website that explains all the details. Here are the basics you need to know:
- You can login on a daily basis to play the game.
- You can earn additional entries to play the game by performing certain activities. For example, buying one drink on a weekday and another on a weekend.
- Regular Starbucks customers will be able to achieve all the challenges without a lot of effort. Occasional customers still have prizes they can win.
- The top prize is 50,000 stars, worth about $2,000. There are a number of small prizes.
I’ve already won a handful of stars and achieved some of the challenges.
The Final Two Pennies
There are enough prizes being given away that it’s worth playing along. I’m sure there are a ton of people playing the game, but Starbucks appears to have set this year’s game up equally well so folks have a legit shot of winning something.
Happy caffeining!
The post Win Free Coffee And Stars In The Starbucks Summer Game was published first on Pizza in Motion
You can complete the challenges by selecting them from the game play choices drop down. I was in Starbucks to make exactly 1 purchase during the time I played. I completed all the challenges by requesting each one as the game I wanted to play. One play seems to complete each challenge, even if you would need to do multiple activities at a Starbucks store to complete that challenge! How crazy is that?
However, I got through the game in 61 moves, bypassing all the super stars. And once you finish, you can’t play anymore. I was only the 3391st to complete, which I thought was a low number.
But I hope this helps some who would not otherwise complete the game.
Marilyn, thanks a ton for weighing in. That should help out infrequent Starbucks customers.
Let’s be honest…this game sucked!! Total waste of time. SBUX used to have promotional offers that excited me to the point that I couldn’t wait to go two times a day. This game was boring and pointless. For every 10-15 dollars spent, I got a single star bonus. Such a waste of time. Smh..SBUX used to be quality-minded. Smh.
I agree it was a totally lame game. However, if you read my comment carefully, you would see that you did not have to spend $$ in Starbucks to play it. I did make 1 purchase only because I was out at 7 am to take my aunt for medical testing and had no time to brew at home. I completed the game from my computer with NO additional purchases.
Marilyn did the last star at the end of the game board grant you anything extra, or just the typical free 1 star? Thanks!
I was 1 star away from the last Super Star at the end of the game. My next play was Move Ahead 6 and it was game over. No extra stars or anything.
BTW, you get 2 free daily game plays without purchase – the link is at the bottom after you sign in.
HOWEVER, you can play more than 1 of the challenge games – they don’t seem to count towards your 2 daily plays. At least, that is how it worked for me. No way was I going to visit 20 times – lol.
Thanks Marilyn for your reply. I’ve been using the free game plays and I’ve already completed all the challenges, I’m halfway through level 4 game board. I guess then you have to land *ON* the last star to get a large prize. Too bad they don’t reward you with anything for making it to th end. I’m a bit bummed about that. Oh well, will keep playing until the end.
What are the level 4 challenges? I’ve just started level 3 and was hoping to plan my purchases so they would count towards multiple challenges.
I can’t get in to the game anymore since I completed it. But after you sign in, at the top of the screen, as I recall, there are links for:
Map – to show the game board and where you are on it
Challenges – click here to see all the challenges listed for each level. Note the name of each challenge – you can request a game play of each of them
Journal – to see all the badges you earned (where you landed with each play)
Play – to make a play – if you have any game plays, a small number should appear next to the word Play.
Read my earlier comments and replies above to see how to complete the challenges without having to visit Starbucks 20 times, or spend a lot of $$ in one order.
You can request two free challenge game plays per day. Yr two free requests don’t have to be. “daily game play” for which you get one shake/turn. I’ve been requesting the challenges (with 2 shakes/turn per each challenge so I’ve ended up getting 4 shakes per day w/out a purchase). Thetefore, if you don’t make a purchase specific to a particular challenge you can still complete it. I’m at gold status until March of 2018. I recently had spine surgery and have been unable to make a purchase since the game began as I am basically confined to my home recuperating; Yet, I’m 1/3 of the way through level four. After I have finished completing the level four challenges via free challenge request plays, I will then start using the 2 “free daily game plays per day with one shake each. From landing on a star space, I’ve landed on 5 star spaces and won 4 separate single stars and one 10 star win for a total of 14 stars w/o a purchase. When requesting each of the free daily game pass turns, the e-mails show up immediately after the request; However, when requesting a free challenge play turn, it takes about 24 hours for it to hit your email in-box. I’m still curious as to how many have won the 10,000 star prize from Level 1, the 20,000 from Level 2 and so-on. Also curious to hear if anyone has won the larger star wards (up to 875) from landing on a regular star prize award.
What is the point of collecting badges?
I have collected 61 “Items” so far, but I don’t think you get anything for collecting a certain number of badges.
They are just the places you land on for each move. I think whoever designed the game wanted to make it seems like more fun than it is. The badges don’t have any “value” as far as I could tell, having completed the not-very-exciting, not-very-rewarding game.
Seafair, I don’t think there’s any point. I’m guessing mostly just random assigned spots for who wins prizes. I’ve won a big handful of stars, nothing major.
This is the worst Starbucks game ever made. It was pointless. When you get yo the end you have nothing to show for it. Not even a free coffee? Collecting badges does nothing. The most I won was a handful of single Stars. That’s it. This was a confusing smoke and mirrors three card monty way of getting people to play their game, and I still don’t know what it all meant. What’s with the lumberjack mermaid guy? And it took way too long to navigate the game. Major time waisted for no return. Never again.
Agreed. I got about 13 stars – good for nothing. I brew at home and get 10 stars for each bag of coffee I buy in the market – way easier and a better return.
Marilyn, I did better than you, but not good enough given the time commitment.
Deanna, I agree that the prizes for the effort were meager. Bummer compared to last year.
Was told on completion of the game I had won 50141 stars but the rules are vague if I really won or rather I have a possibility to win.
Gee, I sure hope you won! Keep us posted.
Was 273rd person to complete and have recieved 141 stars so far
Does anyone know if the forks in the path can be shorter? Like if I pick the right or left? I’m coming up on a choice between a pumpkin and something else that looks like a game, and I’m running out of time to finish the game lol
Stephanie, shouldn’t make a difference. 🙂
I don’t understand how you all completed the game. Every time I get a dice throw and the journal add what I’m supposed to have completed it always shows 2 spaces left to complete on the journal page and on the map I seemed to be maybe three quarters of way through. The challenge parts are complete so free plays are used up. It doesn’t allow any more free plays without a challenge to complete. On top of that a week before this game ends I’m locked out and I should have dice to throw from purchased. I sent a message to Starbucks about being locked out and the answered returned was it’s my fault I can’t get into the game to complete it
What is printed here is not exactly what was written. It sounds like I’m illiterate