Hotel Bartenders Steal $1MM, Don’t Change Southwest Flights And Another Family Kicked Off A Plane For Something Stupid

Here’s what I’m reading about in the world of miles and points:
Cheap Flight Of The Day:
I had no idea JetBlue flew to Alaska. $164 round-trip!
In Case You Missed It:
Congress Threatens to Weigh in if Airlines Don’t Improve Customer Service
Airlines Are Taking Away Legroom. How Far Will This Go?
Verizon Wireless Changes International TravelPass. With A Sledgehammer
United Airlines Employee Cancels A Customer’s Airline Ticket Because He Videotaped Their Argument
Officials In Europe Confirming The US is Preparing To Expand Laptop Ban On Planes
Family gets kicked off a flight because of a birthday cake. I still think there’s just more reporting of these stories than actual incidents. I hope.
New parents can now extend their airline elite status!
Air Canada is ditching their relationship with Aeroplan. Folks have some time to burn down their balances. I’m not sure this is a positive development.
Auctions Ending Soon:
2 nights at the Hotel Da Vinci in Paris, currently going for less than $250. Great deal if you have a summer trip.
Super narrow window, but a big discount on tall ships light show cruise in Sydney. I was hopeful I’d be able to catch this show while I was in Sydney. Alas, I had to settle for being blown away by Bridge Climb.
Hotel bartenders steal $1MM. Damn…….
How an identify thief gets hold of your information. I’m very careful with my information and have so far managed to avoid a true identity theft incident. Need to find some wood to knock on….
A review of the new “Happily Ever After” show at Disney World’s Magic Kingdom. Looks like it gets high marks. I’m not sure it will replace “Wishes” in my heart, or the disaster the last time we saw it.
The big new reason you don’t want to change your Southwest Airlines reservations.
The complete guide to flying Spirit Airlines.
Trump Taj Mahal sold for pennies on the dollar. But, the Donald probably did fine. The Taj was the first place I played poker in Atlantic City, somewhere around 1998 with my best friend as well as my wife-to-be. Jeebus, I’m old.
BIZARRE. US Bank is canceling people’s Altitude credit cards. Without warning.
A review of one of the most delightful hotels I’ve ever stayed in. My wife and I stayed here over 10 years ago, and it was incredible. Needs to be on everyone’s bucket list.
The post Hotel Bartenders Steal $1MM, Don’t Change Southwest Flights And Another Family Kicked Off A Plane For Something Stupid was published first on Pizza in Motion