Cosmopolitan Las Vegas Roof Fire. Lots of Damage!

There’s a ton of smoke right now and what looks like the remnants of a sizable fire at the rooftop pool of the Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas.
The picture is from Courtney Cyr on Twitter and shows a pretty decent sized fire burning away. She has some additional pictures of the damage as the fire appears to be under control. There’s a rooftop nightclub in that area called Marquee that’s quite popular (though I’m decidedly way too old and go to bed too early to comprehend). I would imagine that even when they let people back into the hotel the pool and club won’t be opening anytime soon. Thanks to David H for drawing my attention to this.
Early reports are that only one person is injured and not much damage to the rest of the hotel. That would be great news given how the pictures make things look. There’s a fire department built right into the alley beside the Cosmpolitan and it appears the fire was extinguished within 30 minutes, not a small feat for a fire that high up in the air that looks to have spread quickly.
Check out the rest of Courtney’s pics on her Twitter feed. Yikes!