Free Flu Shot From UBER

Uber is a pretty awesome car service in its own right, but they keep trying to branch out into other areas, assumedly to justify their disgustingly large valuation.
They’ve done some pretty cool things to attract attention, like giving away ice cream in specific cities this summer.
And now, they’re giving you access to free flu shots:
That’s why we’re leveraging the reliability and efficiency of the Uber platform and launching a one-day pilot program—UberHEALTH—in select cities today. Together with our partner Vaccine Finder we will bring flu prevention packs and shots directly to you – at the single touch of a button.
It’s only in Boston, NYC and DC and is listed as today only. Here are the details:
Pretty cool. They’ll drive a nurse to you to administer a flu shot.
I’m hoping one of my readers will report back on how the service is. I am truly needle-phobic, and also believe flu shots are bubkus, choosing to go the route of healthy living with a dose of wine to kill flu germs.
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