American/US Airways Announce Settlement With DOJ

A bit quicker than I anticipated, American and US Airways has come to a settlement agreement with DOJ. Here’s the meat of what they agreed to. I say “meat” because on the face it looks significant. More analysis later: Under the terms of the…


American Airlines Brings Back Elite Status Buyback And Also Debuts The Limited Purchase Of “Phantom” EQMs, But Is It Worth It?

American Airlines has traditionally allowed people to purchase status at the end of each year if you missed the qualifications by some narrow or wide margin.  But, they’ve never allowed the straight purchase of EQMs.  Despite this recent announcement about additional options to earn…

Qatar Now An Official Part of oneworld Alliance

I had this post scheduled to run on the first day of Qatar’s full membership in oneworld, but United’s friendly moves with Expert Flyer and their incredibly drastic award chart changes distracted me.   October 31st marked the beginning of Middle East carrier Qatar…