
Geithner for Treasury Secretary

Tim Geithner, president of the New York Fed, will be nominated as Obama’s Treasury Secretary. Some have suggested this isn’t a good idea because of his lack of experience. I actually really like this choice. I can live with the lack of experience (and…

Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State?

Is this a good idea? Depends on who you are. Barack Obama? Takes her out of the running for his office, but more importantly, quiets a potential voice of dissension within his party. Harry Reid? Jumping with joy that he doesn’t have to cede…

The Science of Politics

The science of politics has always interested me more than the views of one party over another. This was never more evident to me than around 11:30pm EST last night. I didn’t vote for Obama, even though I did give him serious consideration. And…

It’s McCain

There are some that will say I made my mind up a long time ago. I didn’t. I did, however, make up my mind last night. I’m voting for McCain. In the end, I never really listened to something Obama said and nodded my…

Learned Something New About McCain Today

From FactCheck.com: Obama: Celling McCain Short Any ad that features the mom of a sick child is sure to pull a few heartstrings. But this radio spot is flat wrong when it says that “John McCain has stood in the way – he’s opposed…

Obama’s 30-Minute Infommercial

Well produced. Still have no idea how he plans to accomplish all of his goals, which constitute a lengthy list. Some of the ones I find hard to fathom: Cut taxes for all families who make less than $200K. Freeze foreclosures for 90 days….

3rd (and final) Presidential debate

I really wish the candidates would agree to more debates. The standard 3 really doesn’t cut it for me, and 1 VP debate isn’t enough either. Barack Obama and John McCain met at Hofstra University last night. I think Bob Schieffer did a pretty…


What will Tuesday bring?

We saw the worst week of our lives on Wall Street this week. While this should have been scary for me, the sum total of my investments are some sizable IRAs, which I’ve had enough discipline not to check the balance of. After the…

A good election article

Thanks to David for sending me the link to this really good article. Basically, the reporters contention is that Mccain’s campaign “gets” what the media needs and wants as it covers the campaign. Will this get McCain any votes? Probably not, since I believe…

2nd Presidential Debate

Obama and McCain faced off in the second debate last night. It was a town hall format, which I definitely think favored McCain. There’s no question Obama is a better orator than McCain. Equally so, McCain is better at talking to an individual, connecting,…