Thinking About A Happy New Year!

2019 flew by in a blur. My kids are a year older along with all of you (and me)! There’s so much I wanted to say in 2019 but never found the time to. So many places to visit but didn’t get there. So many moments I wanted to spend with friends and family that didn’t happen.
But, that’s not what I’m thinking about today. I’m thinking about all the things I did accomplish. All the conversations I got to have. All the special moments with family and friends.
I’m also thinking about the money we raised together for great charities like Pelotonia, fighting cancer. And, of all the people who stepped forward to help us buy critical supplies for families of government employees at Dulles Airport during the government shutdown. I’m still in awe of everyone who helped out. You filled this room full of food for people you’ve never met.
I’m sitting here on my couch sipping sparkling wine with my wife. The kids are here sipping sparkling grape juice. We’re watching Rudolph’s Shiny New Year, waiting for the ball to drop. Though, as luck would have it, we saw it drop a few days ago:
For those family and friends who I didn’t get to spend time with this year, I promise it wasn’t intentional. And, I promise I’ll try harder in 2020 to enjoy that quality time with you.
2020 And The Blog
There were a number of items I wanted to accomplish in December, but some important family matters took the highest priority. I expect to blog more and to embark on some new projects in 2020. There were some days where I felt like I had to write, which was never why I set out to write this blog. I needed a bit of time to organize my priorities, pull back and focus on enjoying each moment. I may need a bit more of that in 2020. But, as I sit here counting down the minutes to 2020, it felt right to write. That’s a good feeling, sort of like finding that old baseball glove in the basement and taking it out for a game of catch with my son. You know the glove I’m talking about. It’s a bit dusty, but it’s well worn, with a deep pocket and plenty of stories to tell.
I’m thankful to the folks who have followed along here, reading what I have to say for 12 (TWELVE!) years. It’s incredible to think it’s been that long. I owe you more stories, more tips, more help in 2020. And, we’ll get to all of that.
But, For Now….
I hope that 2019 was a great year for you. And, I hope that 2020 is even better. In a time where there’s so many negative moments we can point to, let’s focus on the best of our moments and how to create more of those.
Happy New Year Ed!
Happy New Year, Matthew!