A Heartwarming Story Of Giving, And I’m Jumping In

It’s Thanksgiving. There will be plenty of blog posts about deals today, I’m sure I’ll write some of them. There will be turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, yams, and pie. Plenty of pie. And, if you look past all the deals and the food-induced comas, you’ll find some truly heartwarming stories.
My friend David sent me this story last night. It’s about someone doing good on Imgur, the image sharing community. You’ve probably seen pictures, memes, videos, gifs from Imgur. But, this is a story about a guy named Peter. His goal? Find people who can’t afford to go home for the holidays and get them a free flight home.
Peter’s goal is to send a few folks home to family, and it looks like some other folks may join in.
Can I Send You Home?
I love Peter’s idea, so I’m going to try to do the same. If you’re not going to be able to get home for the holidays (or know someone who can’t make it home), please send me an e-mail to ed -at- pizzainmotion dot com (you can figure out how to assemble that into a real e-mail address). I thought about asking people to leave comments below with their travel requests, but I don’t want to turn this into a contest or drive clicks. I just want to help some folks. And, I genuinely hope people are honest and are trying to go home (or get a loved one home). Everyone’s on the honor system.
I’ll pick at least one person to try to send home, but I’ll try to help more if we can find cheap award flights. The only caveats are:
- The flights need to be in the continental US.
- We need to be able to find saver inventory. United has a bad habit of making some one-way flights 32,500 miles. I want to stretch the miles to get as many flights home as we can. I have some American miles as well, so those are the two airlines I’ll be focusing on.
If you’re inspired by Peter, or what I’m trying to do, leave a comment below if you want to donate your own miles to help someone get home for the holidays. I can search for the inventory if you’ve got the miles.
And, I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving, wherever you are!